June 10 & 11, 2025 · VIRTUAL · 100% FREE


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Reimagine your work life with intelligent automation. Experience the Naviant Summit, where business professionals converge to exchange ideas, draw inspiration, and collaboratively tackle complex challenges using innovative technology.


What is the Naviant Summit?

We believe in sharing knowledge. So, every year, we gather experts, customers, and invited guests for this collaborative educational event on continuous process improvement through intelligent automation. The event is loaded with industry experts, including Naviant's Business Process Consultants, Vendor Partner Technical Experts, and current Naviant customers. Also in attendance are people who are new to content management and intelligent automation. This annual meeting of the minds provides us all with ample opportunities to connect and learn from each other.


Why you should attend?

Besides the fact that it's 100% FREE!

What People Are Saying

'Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.' – Ferris Bueller. The Naviant Summit always reminds me of this quote. The Summit helps me to stop, look around and learn about the fast and ever-changing products and services Naviant and Hyland have to offer. It provides informative, brief sessions on a variety of topics and is well worth the time to attend.
Kurt Koeff @ National Insurance Services of Wisconsin, Inc.

Business Analyst

The Naviant Summit provides a chance for innovators from the Naviant community, to come together to discuss and discover shared challenges and often times strategies and solutions to deal with those challenges. The conference offers a low-pressure environment to learn, to laugh, and to expand our shared knowledge of automation and content management.
Aaron Selchert @ Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Information Systems Supervisor - Document Management Unit

As a previous speaker and participant in the Naviant Summit, it provided me with a great learning opportunity. From getting feedback on my presentation discussing how others could benefit from what we have done to getting valuable feedback on how others may have morphed the process I was presenting with a twist. Even more powerful was the interaction with companies using a multitude of tools that made their business processes better. Getting a jump start on change using ideas from the Summit pay dividends over and over again. Don’t recreate the wheel. Just find one with momentum that you can leverage.
Allen M. Benson @ Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

Director, Office of Information Systems (OIS)

The Naviant Summit brings people together to empower them with knowledge on intelligent automation technology. Attending helps keep our OnBase team informed and up to date on existing, present, and future endeavors, ensuring we maximize the value of our solutions.
Susan Adkins @ Hamilton County Job and Family Services

Applications Manager

Attending the Naviant Summit will change your life. It will change how you work, how you think about data, and how you think about your business processes. Not only that, but it will keep you up to date on the latest happenings with Naviant products which will further boost your work productivity!
Kylie Arnold @ City of St. George

Database Administrator

I think the Naviant Summit is a great opportunity to network with peers and also a chance to see the way that the software is enhancing. Each time I attend the Summit I come away with a renewed vision for ways to enhance my current solutions and ideas for new implementations.
Brian Galovits @ Forest County Potawatomi

Business System Analyst

The continuous learning process entails developing new skills and knowledge, reinforcing what has already been learned, and layering new functions on top of "foundation" information - a great chance to network with other Naviant customers and form new contacts. Lastly, winning some door prizes doesn't hurt either!
Justin Piccolo @ Exact Sciences

Technical Business Analyst

The Naviant Summit is a way for everyone to see what's new. It's also a place to connect with colleagues that are in the same industry (or similar) and are facing the same types of challenges and find new ideas. Seeing how others are using parts of an application and what their challenges and successes are is very helpful.
Linda Beverson @ Health Partners

Manager of Health Information Management

Who Attends

Tuesday, June 10, 2025

In-Person Social Events

Cafe Hollander - Madison Logo
Madison, Wisconsin
Café Hollander | Starting at 4:30 PM CT
Nashville, Tennessee
Bishops Bay Country Club | Starting at 4:30 PM CT
Joey's Italian Restaurant
Syracuse, New York
Joey's Italian Restaurant | Starting at 5:30 PM ET
Describe your image
Reno, Nevada
Wild River Grille | Starting at 5:30 PM PT
table 23
Tallahassee, Florida
Table 23 | Starting at 5:30 PM ET
June 10 & 11, 2025 · VIRTUAL · 100% FREE

Ready to Find Inspiration at the Naviant Summit?

"A solution could be waiting for you at the Naviant Summit, but only if you attend."
- Allen Benson | Director, Office of Information Systems @ Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene